popular science, newspaper articles, ...
newspaper article about the movie premiere "In the forest of bison" - grazing/dung beetle project Hardehausen,
11.09.2018, Neue Westfälische Zeitung
newspaper article about the movie premiere "In the forest of bison" - grazing/dung beetle project Hardehausen,
10.09.2018, Westfalen-Blatt Warburg
newspaper article about the grazing project (European Bison) in Hardehausen,
19.08.2017, Neue Westfälische Zeitung
GEO-Magazin article associated with our work about evolution of religious behaviour,
01.2015, GEO - Brauchen wir Gott?
Urban, P. (2013): Präparate selbst gemacht - Eine Einführung, BUGS
1, pp. 66-69.
Urban, P. (2013): Orten und Erfassen von Heuschrecken, BUGS
3, pp. 68-69.